Pilates Group Class

Pilates Group Class

    Pilates group classes in Florence indoor and outdoor

NatureFitFlorence ASD offers to members Group Pilates Classes both indoor and outdoor.

NatureFitFlorence ASD Studio you'll find an intimate place: each class is about 5/6 persons, therefore each one is given of professional attention.
From Core Stability to Spinal Articulation, from coordination to strengthening upper/lower body and back extensors, focusing on Core and Pelvis stability (Powerhouse). These are the fundamentals of Pilates method.
It’s definitely an essential practice for those who aim not to quantity but to quality, developing deep intrinsic muscles that gives us better posture, working on specific activations. Therefore we'll gain more stability, flexibility and support to our whole body.

Membership Admission Request

NatureFitFlorence ASD

Sede Legale: Via Kassel n.25 - 50126 Firenze - Cod. Fiscale: 94315900483


Richiesta di Ammissione



di poter essere ammesso in qualità di socio all’Associazione NATUREFITFLORENCE ASD
Inoltre, il/la sottoscritto/a


  • d’impegnarsi al pagamento della quota associativa annuale e dei contributi associativi a seconda dell’attività scelta; d’impegnarsi a consegnare il proprio certificato medico per attività sportiva non agonistica valido e di aver ben compreso che l’ASD dovrà sospendere gli ingressi sino a che il certificato medico non verrà consegnato; d’impegnarsi a rispettare l’orario di lezione, e che le disdette delle prenotazioni verranno accolte almeno 4 ore prima dell’inizio di ciascuna lezione – privata o di gruppo – e che in caso contrario queste verranno automaticamente scalate; di prendere visione del fatto che gli abbonamenti e i pacchetti non potranno essere sospesi, se non per gravi motivi di salute debitamente certificati;

    di prendere visione del fatto che nei giorni di festività nazionale sarà possibile recuperare le lezioni esclusivamente entro la fine dell’abbonamento e comunque solo a disponibilità di posti in altri orari/giorni.

  • di essere informato sulle politiche SAFEGUARDING adottate dall’associazione, di aver preso visione e di accettare il Regolamento Safeguarding dell’ente affiliante, il Modello Organizzativo di Gestione e Controllo e il Codice di Condotta adottati dalla ASD ai sensi dell’art.16 D.lgs. 39/21 e s.m.i.pubblicati sul sito naturefitflorence.com

  • Di acconsentire al trattamento dei dati personali da parte dell'Associazione, ai sensi dell’art. 13 D.lgs. n. 196/2003 e in relazione all'informativa fornita. In particolare si presta il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali per la realizzazione delle finalità istituzionali dell’Associazione, nella misura necessaria all’adempimento di obblighi previsti dalla legge e dalle norme statutarie.
  • di essere informato e di aver preso visione della modulistica predisposta per la segnalazione di abusi, violenze, discriminazioni e dei contatti del Responsabile Safeguarding nominato dall’ASD pubblicato sul sito naturefitflorence.com

  • Ai sensi e per gli effetti degli articoli 1341 e 1342 del C.C., dichiaro di aver letto e di aver ben compreso nonché di approvare espressamente le condizioni e le pattuizioni previste dallo statuto, dal regolamento e dal contratto assicurativo derivante dal tesseramento.
  • Dichiaro di aver letto l’informativa sulla privacy allegata alla presente domanda di ammissione a socio e di firmare in calce per accettazione e consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del GDPR Regolamento (UE) 2016/679

Autorizzo la fotografia e/o la ripresa del sottoscritto e/o del minore, effettuate ai soli fini istituzionali, durante lo svolgimento delle attività e/o delle manifestazioni organizzate dall'Associazione.

Autorizzo al trattamento e alla pubblicazione, per i soli fini istituzionali, di video, fotografie e/o immagini atte a rivelare l’identità del sottoscritto / del minore, sul sito web e sulle pagine social dell’associazione, ed eventualmente nelle bacheche affisse nei locali della medesima.

Acconsento alle comunicazioni delle attività associative tramite invio postale al proprio indirizzo email personale indicato nella domanda di ammissione e l’aggiunta al gruppo di messaggistica istantanea whatsapp/telegram utilizzato esclusivamente per gli aggiornamenti sulle attività dell’associazione.

Yoga Group Class

Yoga Group Class

    Group Yoga classes in Florence indoor and outdoor

NatureFitFlorence ASD offers to members Group Yoga Classes both indoor and outdoor.
At NatureFitFlorence ASD Studio via dei Pilastri 7A you'll find an intimate place: each class is about 5/6 persons, therefore each one is given of professional attention.

The discipline of Yoga is really huge, but at its foundation there's a deep knowledge of body and mind.
It's not correct thinking at Yoga merely as a relaxing discipline.
The main focus is for sure reconnecting ourselves to our inner Self passing through our Sacred Bridge, that is, our Sacred Breath, but throughout the practice we'll achieve a deep inner and outer transformation.

The first thing to comprehend is that Yoga is NOT a religion: its origins are millennial and by the time this discipline has been evolving through thousands aspects.

With Yoga practices we refer in a large way to various Modern Yoga Styles.

But here we don’t refer to “do Yoga” but “Living Yoga”, since this is a very deep discipline and philosophy that embraces more existence fields.

Every Yoga styles aim to the Union - this is the more intrinsic meaning of the word - , that Union forgot between Us and the Entire Universe; it aims to free the individual from its conditionings and its purpose is an ongoing and perhaps neverending process.

The primary aspect practicing yoga is to keep our attention and awareness to our Breath, a natural act that we often don’t focus to, reducing its “vital life force” merely to a repetitive, automatic and superficial act. Being the master of our Breath means to stop our mental swings and return to be the master of our mind. The attention and care of our breathing is therefore the first step to release tension and get a higher state of consciousness. Through a constant Yoga practice, studying its philosophy too, we will face a neverending and unparalleled journey; that one inside ourselves. A journey that brings positive changement in our life that will reflect the infinite Light for which we strive.

It’s essential to be guided by a certified Yoga instructor to avoid any injury caused by repeated incorrect positions.


Different types of yoga practiced at NatureFitFlorence ASD, Florence


It’s the Taoist version of Yoga. Founded by Paulie Zinkie, this style of yoga comes from the need of a more static and passive practice, most of the time ground practicing. Asanas are held from 1 to 5 minutes with a whole passive stretching and always focusing on breathing phases. This let our bodymind to slowly, constantly and gradually release tension, deeply working on the myofascia tissue, a tissue that covers our overall muscle system that is essential to our ability to move and it’s very important to our overall health.


This is a branch of Yoga very strong, regenerating, invigorating and dynamic. Widespread to the West and developed by Patthabi Jois is a yoga style that stands out for its dynamism, rebalancing the whole subtle energies. There are six increase in difficulty series. We will practice the Primary Series focusing on breath (ujjayi pranayama), gaze direction (drishti), self-concentration and our ability to amplify our internal energies (bandha). It’s a wonderful practice that steadily center ourself along with toning and improve our flexibility at 360°.


When we face the word “vinyasa” that means “a specific movement in a determined direction” always combined with breath. “Vinyasa Flow Yoga” are therefore a sequences of asanas that gently flows one to another with centering breath. It’s a dynamic and intense standing practice followed by grounded asanas and Pranayama Techniques..


Yoga passed through oral tradition, therefore the firsts writings that specifically and systematically spoke about Hatha Yoga came from the Middle Age. However, we know that Yoga is a millennial discipline (Yoga Sutra is dated back to about 300 B.C.E.). In Hatha Yoga practices we'll focus on breath and more static positions, correct alignments and posture, finding our inner (and outer) balance, toning our body and centering our mind finding with a constant practice more advanced asanas.


Pregnancy brings one of the most fulfilled and intense process of life. There are no contraindication to the Yoga practice or other activities (but all excessive strain or repetitive jumps need to be avoided though). With proper accessory and care indeed, particularly from 3rd trimester, we will stronger and make more flexible our Pelvic Floor Muscles, supporting our bodymind with Pranayama Techniques. Likewise, after pregnancy we’d need to reaccustomed our body to have proper tone, especially our Pelvic Floor Muscles and Abdominal wall that often requires a careful recovery due to Diastasis Rectis. Meeting other women is then a crucial source of confrontation in this sacred and delicate part of our life.

Yoga Class

Yoga Class

    Private Yoga in Florence outdoor and indoor

Yoga Classes can be personalized, as a group or online upon request.

Indoor Yoga sessions are held in via dei Pilastri 7a, Firenze, at
NatureFitFlorence ASD Studio. Group capacity is maximum 6 people, so that everyone will get proper assistance during practice.

Yoga is a process and by the time we will achieve better stability - phisically and mentally -, our posture, concentration and balance. Practising yoga gives to your body a significative strenghtening along with a great flexibility.
Constant practice guarantees improvement bodymind living conditions, avoiding distress, insomnia, untangle our inner and outer knots.
Periodically when good weather conditions, Yoga practices are held outdoor.

View the schedule training to stay up to date or subscribe to the newsletter. Each Yoga style has its own characteristics but every one of them is complementar to the other.

The first thing to comprehend is that Yoga is NOT a religion: its origins are millennial and by the time this discipline has been evolving through thousands aspects.
With Yoga practice we refers in a large way to various Modern Yoga Styles.
But here we don’t refers to “do Yoga” but “living yoga”, since this is a very deep discipline and philosophy that embraces more existence fields.
Every Yoga styles aim to Union - this is the more intrinsic meaning of the word - , that Union forgot between Us and the Entire Universe; it aims to free the individual from its and its purpose is an ongoing process.

The primary aspect practicing yoga is to keep our attention and awareness to our breath, a natural act that we often don’t focus to, reducing its “vital life force” merely to a repetitive, automatic and superficial act. Being the master of our breath means to stop our mental swings and return to be the master of our mind. The attention and care of our breathing is therefore the first step to release tension and get a higher state of consciousness. Through a constant Yoga practice, studying its philosophy too, we will face a neverending and unparalleled journey: that one inside ourselves. A journey that brings positive changement in our life and that will reflect that infinite Light for which we strive.
From a physically pont of view, it’s essential to be guided by a certified Yoga instructor to avoid any injury caused by incorrect positions.


Different types of yoga practiced at NatureFitFlorence ASD, Florence


It’s the Taoist version of Yoga. Founded by Paulie Zinkie, this style of yoga comes from the need of a more static and passive practice, most of the time ground practicing. Asanas are held from 1 to 5 minutes with a whole passive stretching and always focusing on breathing phases. This let our bodymind to slowly, constantly and gradually release tension, deeply working on the myofascia tissue, a tissue that covers our overall muscle system that is essential to our ability to move and it’s very important to our overall health.


This is a branch of Yoga very strong, regenerating, invigorating and dynamic. Widespread to the West and developed by Patthabi Jois is a yoga style that stands out for its dynamism, rebalancing the whole subtle energies. There are six increase in difficulty series. We will practice the Primary Series focusing on breath (ujjayi pranayama), gaze direction (drishti), self-concentration and our ability to amplify our internal energies (bandha). It’s a wonderful practice that steadily center ourself along with toning and improve our flexibility at 360°.


When we face the word “vinyasa” that means “a specific movement in a determined direction” always combined with breath. “Vinyasa Flow Yoga” are therefore a sequences of asanas that gently flows one to another with centering breath. It’s a dynamic and intense standing practice followed by grounded asanas and Pranayama Techniques..


Yoga passed through oral tradition, therefore the firsts writings that specifically and systematically speaks about Hatha Yoga came from Middle Age. However, we know that Yoga is a millennial discipline (Yoga Sutra dated back to about 300 B.C.E.). In Hatha Yoga practice we will focus (like all different styles of Yoga) on breath and on static position, correct alignments and posture. It’s so important to find our inner (and outer) balance, tonifying our body, center our mind and find, with constant practice, more advanced asanas.


Pregnancy brings one of the most fulfilled and intense process of life. There are no contraindication to the Yoga practice or other activities (but all excessive strain or repetitive jumps need to be avoided though). With proper accessory and care indeed, particularly from 3rd trimester, we will stronger and make more flexible our Pelvic Floor Muscles, supporting our bodymind with Pranayama Techniques. Likewise, after pregnancy we’d need to reaccustomed our body to have proper tone, especially our Pelvic Floor Muscles and Abdominal wall that often requires a careful recovery due to Diastasis Rectis. Meeting other women is then a crucial source of confrontation in this sacred and delicate part of our life.



    Personal Training, Yoga, Pilates, Bodyweight Training, Firenze

NatureFitFlorence ASD borns from the firm will of balancing body and mind through the awareness of being one with every life form.
The need for reconnecting our relationship with living beings, from whom our life depends, it's the foundation for enjoying life itself. But how to rediscover this Connection, how to rediscover our Roots?

The first step is to turn back to our Body-Mind, to be conscious of our Breath and our Movement in space. First of all we need to Root the Mind and Body, Centering ourselves letting our consciousness expand itself. 

Our practice is our Temple: here we take a Sacred Moment redefining our foundation. When they are solid and stable, they guarantee more resistance and resilience. Our mind is mirrored like water reflecting our face, and it gains whole benefits.

Plus, results of mainly outdoor activities can be surprising as Life express its essence through a natural environment, as we do too mirroring this Divine Light.

NatureFitFlorence ASD is much more than just a training: it's an embracing of philosophy, muscle exercise, healthy and sustainable nutrition and psychophysical health.

This path goes along a day-by-day process to give us inner peace, harmony with Others and the Infinite Universe, drops of which we are part .


“Very glad to meet you! I’m Alessandra, since ever I nurtured love for sport at 360°. I’ve practised a great variety of sport disciplines and I choose to dedicate most of my time to convey this passion. On July 2022 NatureFitFlorence has been recognized as a Sport Association aiming to promote Sport (not exclusively!) as a basis of our wellness. I feel at home when I convey it to you. 

The activities offered to Members of the Association are Bodyweight Training, Yoga, Pre-Postnatal Yoga, Mat Pilates, Outdoor Training, Gentle Gymntastic and Postural. As a Personal Trainer of Federazione Italiana Fitness I do Personal Training in Florence. I’m also an hiking guide regulated by regional Tuscany law 86/2016.

I do offer Private Swimming lessons, as I collaborate as a certified Federazione Italiana Nuoto Swim Instructor with Bellariva Swimming center – see
here the map - , Official Italian Swimming Federation (FIN).

Here you can see the training schedule , both Outdoor or Indoor at NatureFitFlorence ASD Studio, Via dei Pilastri 7a (Red numeration, at Via Farini crossing - map here), at the heart of Florence, easy to reach with Sharing Mobility (Ridemovi, Bird, Bit Mobility).

Small group training and Personal Training. From breathing exercises to muscular flexibility, from toning the entire body and weight-loss. 

This is your Moment, enjoy essential things, primarly your Wellness and Balance. Physical activity is not for its own sake but necessary for living in balance within our BodyMind along with a healthy nutrition, from childhood to older age. To enjoy outdoor activities is such a purifying and regenerating thing in every single moment of our Life.

Since 2012 I embrace a plant-based diet mainly for ethical reasons, not forgetting environmental and healthy reasons. That’s why I’ve been collaborating with VegExpert Nutrionists for those who wants to discover, deepen and gain benefits of a great body, mind and spirit revolution. 


Outdoor Training, Personal Training, Swim Lessons, Yoga, Pre-Postnatal Yoga, Mat Pilates, Bodyweight Training, Gentle and Postural Gymnastic, Hiking.

A training schedule both Outdoor and Indoor at NatureFitFlorence ASD Studio, Via dei Pilastri 7A (see here), in the heart of Florence.

From breathing exercises and meditation, to flexibility, toning and weight-loss: take your Moment, first enjoy the primary thing: your Balance and Wellness. 

Physical activity along with a proper nutrition are two essential factors for reach a good Bodymind Balance, from early to older age.

See here the training schedule.

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